With Comunified.com you can send SMS to Portugal, SMS from Portugal, SMS in Portugal, SMS for Portugal and SMS within Portugal.
In Portugal you can send SMS to Optimus, SMS to TMN, SMS to Vodafone.
Due to Free Test SMS you can send FREE SMS to Portugal, FREE SMS from Portugal, FREE SMS in Portugal, FREE SMS for Portugal and FREE SMS within Portugal.
After your used your FREE SMS contingent you can send your Short Messages (SMS) cost efficient from your PC or through the Internet.
Numerously rewarded PC Freeware "Desktop SMS" to send your SMS directly from the PC, from MS Outlook® or Outlook Express® .
Register HERE and start sending short messages immediately. (FREE Test SMS!)
We serve customers from more than 43 countries already. Register now and become a satisfied ComUnified user as well! (compare our service!)
Your mobile phone no. as
sender-id |
Cost effective |
Easy and intuitive to use |
Delayed message transmission |
Send one message to multiple recipients |
Send confirmation through online archive |
Reliable and safe transmission |
No hidden costs |
Fast support |
No monthly or access fees |
Integrated into Microsoft Outlook®
and Outlook Express® (NEW!) |
Send from any PC through our plugin |
*:for 2 way service (incl.reply option into your e-mail inbox) see corporate |
ComUnified allows you to send single or bulk messages international.
ComUnified.com is internationally available, which means you can reach almost any country in the world. Since we maintain redundant connections to the mobile phone companies, you can rest assured that our service is as reliable and fast as if you would use your own phone. For a complete coverage list, please click here.